HOOKER/HOOKEEOLOGIST: Welcome to Solo2hooked
FEMALE HOOKEE: I want to get hooked, how does it work?
I put her through the process and ask the almighty question
HOOKER/HOOKEEOLOGIST: What is your spec/criteria?
FEMALE HOOKEE: I am not criterialistic , hook me to any guy that can love me.
HOOKER/HOOKEEOLOGIST: In that case , I'll hook you to Musa, by wheel barrow carrier. He is loving, has a nice personality, treats women with respect etc. I have no doubts he will love you.
FEMALE HOOKEE: AAAAAAAHHHH. Noooooooo, Mba oooooo, we aren't on the same academic level , he can't take care of me
,(she begins to almost cry thinking I was wishing her evil)
HOOKER/HOOKEEOLOGIST: But you said any man that loves you(I smile sheepishly).
Yesterday after I did the post about the lady who felt her boo was dumb and she would have dumb children, I stumbled on this comment(substitute primary for secondary).
So many stress on love, but is it really enough?
HOOKER/HOOKEEOLOGIST: Welcome to Solo2hooked
FEMALE HOOKEE: I want to get hooked, how does it work?
I put her through the process and ask the almighty question
HOOKER/HOOKEEOLOGIST: What is your spec/criteria?
FEMALE HOOKEE: I am not criterialistic , hook me to any guy that can love me.
HOOKER/HOOKEEOLOGIST: In that case , I'll hook you to Musa, by wheel barrow carrier. He is loving, has a nice personality, treats women with respect etc. I have no doubts he will love you.
FEMALE HOOKEE: AAAAAAAHHHH. Noooooooo, Mba oooooo, we aren't on the same academic level , he can't take care of me
,(she begins to almost cry thinking I was wishing her evil)
HOOKER/HOOKEEOLOGIST: But you said any man that loves you(I smile sheepishly).
Yesterday after I did the post about the lady who felt her boo was dumb and she would have dumb children, I stumbled on this comment(substitute primary for secondary).
So many stress on love, but is it really enough?
For marriage to happen there must be 'LOVE'. For marriage to last or survive, there must be MONEY. But marriage can last without LOVE'. Marriage can not last or survive without 'MONEY' from the Groom. Marriage can survive without either money or love from the Bride.